Thursday 7 July 2016


What a fantastic class. I have loved teaching you all. Have a great holiday, work hard and always keep trying.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Welcome MR B

Today we met Mr B our new teacher. He is really nice and spent some time getting to know us today.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Eli's Cats

Eli's Mum bought in their cats to meet Rata. They were call Will and Poppy and were a bit scared of us but we waited quietly and got to pat and talk to them.

The Land of Far Far Away

Today the New Zealand Drama School performed their play The land of Far Far Away. They were amazing and very funny. We got to call out and participate in the story.

Fun Times with Go Noodle

When we can't get out for fitness we love to move with the Go Noodle team.

Library Visit

On Wednesday we walked to the Kaiapoi Library. We met Jason who told us all about the cool things on the library webpage and to check out the kids page. . We got out books and explored the library. It was really cool and we found out that there is heaps of things happening there for kids all the time.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

This week we have been creating Ouch poems. We brainstormed all the things that make us go ouch and then created our poems.