Thursday 26 April 2012

Buddy Reading

Rata really looks forward to buddy reading every Friday. We love sharing our stories with our buddies. They help us when we get stuck on words and they help us with our reading strategies. Most of all we love hanging out with the big kids. Thanks Totara and Miss Sutherland for sharing your time with Rata.

Matthew and Ben like reading with Big Ben because he helps us with our reading. Big Ben likes co-operating with the juniors.

Connor likes working with Rata buddies because they are good to work with and don't mess around.

Jessica likes buddy reading because it's nice to work with the little children and it helps her to get to know the little children and be there friend.

Jacob likes working with the little kids because he can help teach them new words.

Jonty and Caimin like coming to buddy reading because the children look up to them and they can help their buddies.

Christine likes visiting her buddies and playing smiley face with them.

Abby likes hanging out with her buddies and doing activities with them.

Mitchell likes visiting his buddies and hear them read to him. He also likes smiley face.

Felipe likes buddy reading because he gets to see the juniors.

Nick and Cameron like coming to buddy reading to socialise with the future of New Zealand. They think the future Prime Minister is in Rata! They also like to hear their buddies read.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Little Red Sausage Dog

We really enjoyed reading the big book "The Little Red Hen", so we decided to create our own characters and retold the story Rata style.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Easter Tableau

We had a wonderful afternoon getting ready with our buddies to perform in the Easter Tableau. We waved our palms and helped tell the Easter story. 

Easter Tableau on PhotoPeach

Amber's Kittens

Amber brought her kittens into our class. They are five weeks old. We had lots of fun holding them.

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