Thursday 28 June 2012

We have had the most wonderful week creating masks for the cultural festival. We have learned about different types of masks this term and why people wear them. We have created some masquerade masks and discovered that people wore them to festivals so the rich and poor could mingle.

Here are our creations:

Sunday 17 June 2012

God's Gifts

Today we were exploring gifts from God. We know our family and friends are gifts from God and also thought that all of God's wonderful creations were gifts too. We learned that we need to be thankful for our gifts and we can do this by: looking after them, caring for our environment, showing respect and love, using kind words and actions and saying thank you.

We went outside in groups and used the ipads to photograph God's creations and these are our pictures.



Thursday 14 June 2012

Buddy Reading

Today our buddies showed us how to use comic life on the ipads. This is what we created:

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Science Alive

Today we became Force Detectives.

Science Alive came to school and we had to help the Three Little Pigs with a Wolf problem. We learned about gravity, push, pull, friction, air resistance and magnetism. We had 3 wonderful parent helpers and Julie from Science Alive help us explore these different forces. We solved the Wolf problem using magnetism and we are sure the wolf is not coming back to bother the Little Pigs because he has to get some new clothes.

Snow June 2012

Wow, we never thought it would snow in June.

We had a great day at school on Friday, we had snowball fights with Mrs McRandle and enjoyed playing in the snow.  We hope it snows again.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Snow Days

Hi Rata, I have put up a "Snow Day" page for you on our class webpage. Write a story, play maths games or read a story. Most of all enjoy the snow and be great for your Mum and Dad.

 Thanks Ben for sending a photo of your snow fun to my email: It certainly looks like you are having lots of fun and I love the colours.