Sunday 19 May 2013


We have been learning to sort, describe, compare and display data. We completed a whole class investigation about cats and then worked in pairs and completed an investigation about Rata's favourite things.

These are our graphs displaying our data. (Click on image to make larger)

We have learnt a lot about statistics and these are some of our reflections:

Lily - We find out which things are liked the most and the least
Andrew - we collect data and put it on a pictograph
Gemma - you put stuff into groups and work out how many people like it
Lucy - you put data into graphs
Brianna - you can use it to find out what people like
Cody - use it to find out different information (Stuff)
Rebecca - we sort out data
Max - use it to sort out data
Jake - we find out what people like the most
Billie - it tells us that some people like things a lot and others people like things the least
Caitlin - ask questions to find out what people like
Eden - you use pictures to make a pictograph

Tuesday 14 May 2013


Today we met Mittens, Brianna's new kitten. She is very cute and Rata loved giving her great big cuddles. Mittens was a wee bit scared when she first came into Rata, but we were gentle and gave her lots of love.