Sunday 30 June 2013


We had a wonderful time on Friday discovering new constellations. We have discovered The Teapot,  The Cow, Diamonds inside a Rainbow, The House, The Girl, Flicker Star, 
The Double Ring,  The Telephone Pole, The Star and the Butterfly, The See-Saw,  
The Flowers, The Spider,  Flicker, The Cute House and Snowflake Night. Who knew there were so many new constellations out there.

We created our constellations by first  looking at pictures of constellations from Science Alive and thinking about how people had created these pictures by joining stars together. (A bit like dot to dot)

We then let our imaginations go wild. First we had to create our shape and think about how we were going make it out of marsh mellows and toothpicks. Once we had laid our shape out we glued it onto to black paper and named our constellation. Mrs McRandle thinks they are amazing.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Science Alive

Today we had a visit from Science Alive and we got to go inside the Star Lab. This was amazing, we got to see the stars and planets and watched the sun set and rise. We even got to see moons orbiting planets. Here are some of the things we learnt:

The sun doesn’t move. Daniel

Saturn has over 65 moons. Jake

Mars has 2 moons going around it. Thomas

Jupiter is the biggest planet. Eden

The sun is a dwarf star and Jupiter is the biggest planet. Lily

There are all different planet names like Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Venus and Earth. 

Most planets have moons around them and one has more than 65 moons. Cody

Pluto is not a planet and Earth has only 1 moon. Hannah

A blue star is hot and a red star is cool. Brianna

The moon goes around Earth. Gemma

The blue stars are the hottest. Lucy

Pluto was the coldest planet but it is not a planet anymore but Pluto is still in space. Jade

The planets move around the sun. Caitlin

The moon goes around the Earth and the Earth goes around the sun. Max

Jupiter is the biggest planet and the sun shines bright during the day so we can't see the stars. Charlotte

Penelope telling us about the Star Lab

 The Star Lab