Thursday 11 July 2013

Aliens visit Rata

To finish off our space unit the children created their own flying saucer and alien. I was so impressed by the children, their facts about space and their enthusiasm to discovery new information. Rata you are amazing!!!

Pyjama Day

It's the last day of Term 2 and it's Pyjama Day. We all wore our pyjamas to raise money for Saint Vincent de Paul. We are all very excited and are looking forward to having a hot chocolate drink at lunchtime.

Buddy Reading

Monday 8 July 2013


On Friday July 5th we had a fantastic afternoon showing off all our skipping skills. We have been learning to skip using different jumping styles. Some of us couldn't skip when we started at the beginning of this term and now we can all skip. We can jump the rope 5 times at least with our feet together and we all enjoy running and skipping at the same time. Some of us have can even skip backwards and perform the crossover skip.

Every one really enjoyed learning how to skip and extending the skills they already had.

Thursday 4 July 2013

QR Codes

Today we converted our stories into QR codes. Click on the link below and listen to our wonderful stories.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

God's Gifts

We are all gifts from God and we are thankful for the gifts God has given to us.