Wednesday 21 August 2013

Bubbling Wizard's Brew

Today Brianna, Caitlin, Andrew, Lily and Sarah made Bubbling Wizard's Brew as part of there reading activity. This caused great excitement in the classroom and squeals of delight from the students as they created their potions and then watched them boil over. This was such a popular activity that lots of children have requested the instructions. Have fun and try and brew a magic potion. If you can, take a photo of your brew and email it to Mrs McRandle.  

Thursday 15 August 2013

The Assumption

Each year on August 15 the whole church remembers and celebrates the Assumption of Mary. When Mary died God took her to heaven, body and soul. We created beautiful pictures of Mary to take home and shared some of our thoughts about her.

Mona Williams

Mona Williams is a Guyanan storyteller, children's writer and educator. She has written numerous books, and has performed at sorytelling festivals all over the world. Yesterday she shared some of her action packed stories with us. Click on the Mona Williams photo in the media gallery to view "The House that Jack Built".


Friday 9 August 2013

Church Poster

This week it was Rata's turn to create the poster for the church. We have started the Sacrament  Strand and have been learning that a sacrament is a special meeting with Jesus.  We will be exploring baptism over the next few weeks and have learnt this week that it is how we are welcomed into God's family. With this in mind we discussed how to welcome people and how you feel when people are welcoming. We decided that you feel warm and happy inside when people welcome you and have created a poster that reflects these feeling for the church. 

Thursday 1 August 2013

I am Special Poem

This week our poem is all about how special we are.  We practised reading it and have made some special stars. Click on the photo and hear us read our poem.

Cody's Rabbits

Today Cody brought in his rabbits. There names are Peter and Brook and they are very cute.   
He told us that they are about 6 weeks old and we had to be very quiet so we didn't scare them. Cody is going to bring them back in about 10 weeks so we can see how much they have grown.