Thursday 24 October 2013


This week our poem was about butterflies. We made butterflies using the maths symmetry knowledge we have learned over the past two weeks. They took some time to make and a lot of thinking about where to make the right cuts.


Tuesday 22 October 2013


Over the next 2 weeks we will be finding out information about sugar.                                     

What we know about sugar

  • we like it
  • it makes you fat
  • it is white, brown and pink
  • it come in cubes
  • we add it to things
  • it's not good for you
  • it's yummy
  • we use it in baking
  • it rots your teeth

Today we did an experiment on 10 items to find out how much sugar is in each one. The one that surprised us the most was 2 minute noodles (7 teaspoons of sugar WOW).

The most sugar was  found in maple syrup (it is liquid sugar almost) and the least amount in bread. We also found out that 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce has 1 teaspoon of sugar in it. (Mrs McRandle will have to stop Pete eating sauce like a vegetable)

1. Maple Syrup
2. Moro
3. 2 Minute Noodles
4. M & Ms
5. Bake Beans
6. Lite Peaches
7. Yogurt
8. Krispie Biscuits
9. Bread