Sunday 9 February 2014

Prayer Stones

As part of our prayer focus we have made beautiful prayer stones. We use the stones during morning prayer time. Sometimes we pray for ourselves using our own prayer stone and other times we pray for other people depending on which stone we pick up.

Tuesday 4 February 2014


Today we measured ourselves and compared ourselves to our classmates. It will be interesting to make the comparisons at the end of the year.

Sport Coaches

Sport coaches started today and we learnt some new team building games. Snake and memory spots. We had a lot of fun working together.

Sunday 2 February 2014


On Friday Dylan brought Hadley the Labrador into visit Rata. We are hoping that Hadley will come back each term so we can see how much he has grown.

Welcome Back

As part of our getting to know each other activities we made a "glyph" about ourselves.

The word 'glyph' is short for hieroglyphics which is an ancient Egyptian system of writing. In that system signs were used by scribes to record information in a pictorial form. In the classroom glyphs are used in the same way. Little details come together graphically to create a bigger picture or idea that relays information.

We collected information about ourselves and created a glyph to share our information.

The purple hat is actually orange in the picture