Monday 30 June 2014

Wonderful Fairy Tales

We have been writing fairy tales over the last term and these are some that we wrote with a buddy. Mrs McRandle thinks they are wonderful and has really enjoyed reading them. Listen to us share them with you.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Bishop Barry

Today we shared our fruit break with Bishop Barry. He is visiting our parish this weekend and he came into school and spent some time in all the classrooms. He was impressed with our prayer knowledge and helped us practise the Sign of the Cross. We enjoyed meeting Bishop Barry.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Tennis Stars

Today was our last day with the sport coaches for this term. We had a great time learning all about tennis. We learnt how to hold a tennis racket properly, bounce and control a ball and how to hit a ball using our forehand. We thought we were pretty good.

Tuesday 17 June 2014


In R.E. we are learning about God's love. love helps people to grow to be the best person they can be. We drew pictures of the people who love us and there are so many, we are all so lucky.

Monday 16 June 2014

Bottle Rock

One of our reading groups have been reading Bottle Rock. This story tells us about a school that performed a concert using plastic bottles. We decided to make our own recycled instruments and sing some songs. We shared them with Rata today, we think we are amazing.

Sunday 15 June 2014


Mrs McRandle got a new puppy in the weekend. Her name is Lola and she is a miniature long haired dachshund. A sausage dog!


Tuesday 10 June 2014

Hullabaloo at the Zoo

This week our big book was Hullabaloo at the Zoo. We meet Mr Zebedee and all the zoo animals that like to have fun singing and dancing at night time. poor Mr Zebedee lives right next door. We made a class collage of all the animals having fun.


Gifts from God

Today we talked about all the wonderful gifts God has given us. These are some of the ideas: air, sunshine, rain, trees, our bodies, our family, friends, nature, love, kindness, Jesus, food, water, shelter and hope.

We made balloon prayers to remind us to say thank you to God for all these wonderful gifts.