Tuesday 29 July 2014

Taste Buds

Your sense of taste begins on your tongue. It has 10,000 tiny bumps called taste buds. Receptors in your taste buds react to chemicals in food and then send messages to your brain. The taste buds can tell the difference between four basic tastes. Salty, sour, sweet and bitter. Your taste buds are constantly being replaced. On average, a taste bud lasts for ten days.

Today we got to try several different tastes: sweet, sour and bitter. We tried lemons, raisins, citrus peel, sour babies, jelly beans and 90% cocoa dark chocolate. We thought the chocolate would be sweet and delicious, but we were wrong it was bitter and we couldn't eat it. The citrus peel was no bad a little sour and sweet. We discovered that bitter tastes at the back of your tongue, sour in the middle and sweet at the front. We had to think about the flavours and what part of our tongue was reacting. We all had a great time taste testing.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Prayer Spinners

This week we have been using our imagination to help us pray. We thought about the colours of the rainbow and what they may represent. Red represents love, yellow happiness, blue the ocean , indigo peace, green Gods creations, orange courage and purple God.

We made our prayer spinners really colourful and when we look at them we think of all the things the colours represent.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Amazing Maths

Today we were practising our thinking skills with maths. Mrs McRandle gave us the problem...

The answer is 20 what is the question? We had to come up with as many ways as we could to solve this and we were pretty amazing.

Monday 21 July 2014


Over the last two days we have visited Harold and Rachael in the Life Education truck. We have learned all about how special we each are, that makes us V.I.P's. We met Tam who taught us what the inside of our bodies look like and what our heart, lungs, brain, stomach and intestines do. We think Tam was pretty amazing and helped us understand why our bodies are super special. Rachael taught us about how much we have changed since we were babies and  left us with a question. What are all the things that we might be able to do in the future that we can't do now? Have a look at our photos and videos.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Arts Performance

To finish off our arts focus for the term the children performed in front of the school. These are  some of the dance and music performances.