Thursday 18 September 2014

Calendar Art

Our calendar art is on display in the classroom. We have created a summer field of flowers. They took us 4 days to create and we used a variety of techniques including sponges, toothbrushes and cotton buds. They will look amazing as diaries and calendars.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Science Alive Visit

Today Science Alive came to school and helped us learn more about our busy bodies. We learnt all about our senses, our heart and lungs and our skeleton. We got to smell things, look at how our eye works, build a skeleton, look at x rays and even got to use a stethoscope. What a great afternoon.

Planter Box

As part of the Kaiapoi Community initiative the school has created a beautiful planter box which was provided by Christine from the You, Me and Us team. The whole school painted it and then Rata took it down to the park and planted it with some lovely plants. It is our job to look after it so if you are passing and feel like giving the plants some water feel free.

Silly Putty

Today we were learning all the Holy Trinity. Now we discovered this is quite hard to understand: there is one God but there are 3 persons whom we call one God - Father , Son and Holy Spirit.
To help us understand we made 3-in-1 silly putty and discovered we needed all 3 parts to make it work. God may be called by different names and be seen in different ways but he is still the same God.