Tuesday 8 December 2015

Last sport session


Today we explored rectangles. We discovered  rectangles has four straight sides, two are longer than the others.  We went around the school and found that rectangles are everywhere.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Lesley and Up Cycling

Wow we are so busy. Today we had a visit from Lesley who teaches us about looking after our environment. Today we learnt about up cycling and some of the wonderful things you can do with old teddy bears. She told us about some Year 8 students who collected bears from the tip and then turned them into pyjama bags, door stops and even draught stoppers. Amazing ideas, what an inspiration.

Art on the Quay

Yesterday we walked down to the art gallery and viewed our art. It looks amazing and it was so exciting to see our art up in a gallery. It will be up for 3 weeks and we are hoping that they sell.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Kiwi Christmas

We had the opportunity to participate in the Art on the Quay Kiwi Christmas art exhibition. Over the last few days we have been coming up with ideas and working with Mrs Keats and Mrs McRandle to create some beautiful canvases. These will all be on display and for sale at the Kaiapoi Art Gallery.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Thursday 5 November 2015


This year we have been inspired by Lola the crazy dachshund.


Lola's Friends


So we then decided to create our calendars.

Monday 2 November 2015


Today we had a visit from Tjupurru and he plays the didjeribone. This is an Australian made  instrument fusing the elements of the didjeridoo and trombone. He shared with us his journey and how to create music using a loop. We had a great time.

Thursday 29 October 2015


This week we have been learning how we can be like a saint. Saints are honest, patient, gentle, love others, never give up and are always joyful. We can try to live like a Saint.


Over the last three weeks of term 3 the star of the day took a photo of the tree outside the hall. They managed to capture the tree bursting into life.

Wednesday 28 October 2015


Over the last few weeks we have been learning about different kinds of transformation. Translation is when a shape is moved a certain distance from its original position. Reflection is when a shape is reflected in a mirror line. Rotation is when a shape is turned around a point. 

Sunday 11 October 2015

Interesting Facts

Created with add

Add some interesting facts to our class padlet, can't wait to see what you all know. Mrs McRandle

Thursday 3 September 2015

Walking Water

Last week Mrs McRandle was asked to be a secret agent and have her class perform a science experiment with The Little kitchen Big Science mystery kits. Here is our experiment and the instructions are included so please try at home too.


Tuesday 1 September 2015

Jumping Skills

We played survival tag. This involved lots if jumping from spot to hoop or spit to spot. This is to help us learn how to jump when we do the long jump and high jump. Yipee!!

Monday 31 August 2015

Sunday 30 August 2015

Maths Challenge

Today we had our Matai buddies over for the day to help out the Kapa Haka group. We had to complete a maths challenge. We had 20 pieces of spaghetti, 20 stickers, some string and a marshmallow. We had to construct the tallest tower we could that supported itself. We all managed to make some sort of tower but only one group made one that was free standing. (We know a few more tricks for next time) It took a lot of team work and thinking,  especially when we put the marshmallow on top it made our tower fall over. Great thinking and teamwork. 

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Our Favourite Body Parts

We have been writing about our favourite body parts. We had to think about why we liked it and add some interesting words. We then had to take a photo and put it into pic collage and Mrs McRandle added our writing.