Thursday 26 February 2015

Listening Ears

Jesus taught us to talk and listen to each other. We decided it is easy to talk but no so easy to listen. We made our listening ears to help us try and be better listeners. 


New Playground Blessing

On Thursday the 26th March Father Dennis came and blessed our new playground.

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Over the next 6 weeks we are all trying to walk in Jesus' footsteps and think about how our actions and words affect others. We have a cross in the classroom and when we show caring actions and words or just be nice to someone else for no reason it will get some tissue paper added to it. The idea is to full the cross with love and care. We have also made lenten promises and I think the children in Rata will not be eating lollies for a while or going on their tablets. Check out the thoughts below.


Tuesday 17 February 2015

Ash Wednesday

Today we went to a beautiful Ash Wednesday Mass. We reflect on how we can be more like Jesus as the cross on our heads reminds us that Jesus died on the cross for us. 

Sunday 15 February 2015


Our school virtue this week was respect. We thought about what this may look like in our classroom and came up with some role plays. We came up respecting others, school property and each other.

Monday 9 February 2015


Today we practised retelling stories. First we used a picture plan and drew the beginning, middle and end of our story. Then we used our picture to guide us as we retold the story we had read. This is such an important skill as it helps us gain meaning of what we have read.