Tuesday 31 March 2015

Book Creator Stories

Over the last week we have created wonderful stories with a buddy on book creator.

Thursday 26 March 2015

How We Helped The Grinch

This term in Rata we have been learning about helping others. We made a wall of our helping hands which identified skills that each person was good at and could help others in the class. Next we learnt about a cyclone in the Philippines and how different agencies helped the villages. Finally we had a special visit from the Grinch who wanted to ruin Easter for everyone. Luckily all the students in Rata taught the Grinch about why it is important to help others and helped him make friends.

Book Character Day

What a fantastic parade!! Thank you to all the wonderful students for dressing up and having lots of fun.

Royal Book Parade on PhotoPeach

Monday 23 March 2015

Word Circus

Today we meet Greg O'Connell. He writes poetry for the School Journals and teaches writing workshops. He showed us how to make poems come alive with actions.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Helping Hands

We have been lucky to have Mr Thomson in our classroom and he has been teaching us about helping hands. Today we looked at how the people in Vanuatu have been affected by cyclone Pam. We made villages and then they were destroyed it made us think about how we would have to work together and rebuild the village. We learnt that we need water, food and shelter. We saw pictures of what the cyclone did to the country and we thought that those people must be really sad. We are now wondering what we could do to help?

Monday 16 March 2015

Whirlpool Fun

Wahoo, today at the end of our swimming lessons we created a whirlpool.

Monday 9 March 2015


Every Tuesday and Thursday we go swimming. We have 4 instructors and all of us are working hard on improving our swimming skills.

Sport Coaches

We have been learning to work as a team with the sport coaches.

Wahoo we got awfully wet but had lots of fun co-operating