Monday 31 August 2015

Sunday 30 August 2015

Maths Challenge

Today we had our Matai buddies over for the day to help out the Kapa Haka group. We had to complete a maths challenge. We had 20 pieces of spaghetti, 20 stickers, some string and a marshmallow. We had to construct the tallest tower we could that supported itself. We all managed to make some sort of tower but only one group made one that was free standing. (We know a few more tricks for next time) It took a lot of team work and thinking,  especially when we put the marshmallow on top it made our tower fall over. Great thinking and teamwork. 

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Our Favourite Body Parts

We have been writing about our favourite body parts. We had to think about why we liked it and add some interesting words. We then had to take a photo and put it into pic collage and Mrs McRandle added our writing.




Monday 24 August 2015

Animal Facts

We have been working on reading to learn. Mrs McRandle asked us what we were interested in and we told her animals. Mrs McRandle ordered lots of books from the National Library and every day we spend 15 minutes reading them independently and then with some buddies. We share our facts with the class and love talking about what we have learned.

To make the video we worked in groups of three and filmed each other. We had to practise saying our facts and think carefully about what we had learned. Have a look at our video and leave a comment if you like.

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Today Toby from North Canterbury Country Cricket came in and gave us a cricket lesson. It was fantastic.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

One Point Perspective

Wow what amazing artists we have in Rata. The pictures below are our first attempt at one point perspective painting. Mrs McRandle thinks we have done an outstanding job.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Ronald McDonald Visits

Today Ronald McDonald came to school and taught us all about road safety. He sang the make it click song and read us a very big book. He was funny.

Fraction Dance

We learnt about a whole, half, quarter and eighths by doing our fraction dance. We started with a whole piece of newspaper then folded it half, then into quarters etc the challenge was to keep dancing on the paper. It got very difficult when the paper got smaller.