Thursday 25 February 2016

Bokashi Bins

Today Lesley came and told us all about Bokashi bins. She told us that our food scraps can go in these bins to make compost for the garden. It is made up of  two buckets that are pushed together and the top one has holes in it. (That is so all the liquid can drain out) The most important thing is to not let too much air in the bucket because the air will make it smelly. If you want to try this at home you can buy the buckets from the refuge station in Rangiora.


Sunday 21 February 2016

End of the Day

We have been learning how to work together. We had a lot of fun in our end of the day circle.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Faces of Rata

This week we took a photo of our faces and added words about ourselves using a fotoapp.

Friday 5 February 2016

Week 1 2016

What a great week. We have been learning about co-operating and our new class routines. During maths this week we learnt that the circumference of our head is the same length as our leg. We thought this would not be the same for adults. We have met the new sport coaches Chris and Liam and had great time reading with our big buddies.