Thursday 7 July 2016


What a fantastic class. I have loved teaching you all. Have a great holiday, work hard and always keep trying.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Welcome MR B

Today we met Mr B our new teacher. He is really nice and spent some time getting to know us today.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Eli's Cats

Eli's Mum bought in their cats to meet Rata. They were call Will and Poppy and were a bit scared of us but we waited quietly and got to pat and talk to them.

The Land of Far Far Away

Today the New Zealand Drama School performed their play The land of Far Far Away. They were amazing and very funny. We got to call out and participate in the story.

Fun Times with Go Noodle

When we can't get out for fitness we love to move with the Go Noodle team.

Library Visit

On Wednesday we walked to the Kaiapoi Library. We met Jason who told us all about the cool things on the library webpage and to check out the kids page. . We got out books and explored the library. It was really cool and we found out that there is heaps of things happening there for kids all the time.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

This week we have been creating Ouch poems. We brainstormed all the things that make us go ouch and then created our poems.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

We are learning all about forces today we explored pushing and pulling. We have a padlet page to post all the things we find at home that we can push or pull. Add a photo, video or idea.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Probability Blocks

Today we explored probability using a red block and a blue block and explored the chance of pulling a red block out of a bag. We noticed when there were only two blocks it was quite even. Then we added another blue block and it was harder ( more unlikely) to pull out a red block.

Sport Coaches

Today was sport coaches day one of our favourite times. We were learning all about dribbling a soccer ball and that you have to use the inside of your foot and control the ball. The last thing we did was play sneak up Granny it was so much fun.

Lego Prayers

Today we prayed using lego maybe you could try this at home.

These are the steps we followed:

Hold your brick.
Pray for yourself.  Thank God for the things he has given you.  Ask Him to bless you and to help you to bless others.

Count the bumps on your brick.
For each bump on your brick, pray for a different person- friends or family members.  Ask God to bless them this week.

Find someone who has a different colour brick to you.
Thank God for making each person special.  Thank him for the thingsthat are different but special about other people.  Pray that we will learn how to celebrate and understand people who are different to us.

Put all of the bricks together and build a structure or tower with them.
Pray for everyone and send the prayers to God Together.

Monday 2 May 2016


Over the next couple of weeks we are exploring probability. We have been learning about chance and the probability of something happening. It is impossible, possible or certain. We played a game with dice today, one person tries to throw doubles and the other person throws single numbers.


This is the game.

These are some of our thoughts.

Paula – it’s better to throw single numbers because your more likely to get counters

Jack – I like doubles – you get to take 5 counters

Liefke – singles because you get to take counters nearly every tur

Ryans – ones you have a better chance of winning

Rich- ones because doubles are harder to get to take counters

Abbey - ones because doubles are harder to get and take counters

Charlotte – doubles more of a chance to win you can take 5

Orton – Both – because you have an even chance of winning

Caitlin - doubles – because when you win you take more counters

Patrick – doubles you have a better chance of winning but its harder

Olivia - doubles you can take more but you have a higher chance of throwing singles

Tino – doubles because you can take 5

Sunday 1 May 2016

First Day Of Term 2

Wahoo what a great day. Everyone is so enthusiastic and ready to learn. We got into our cross country training which was a challenge but we have to start somewhere.

I was on duty at lunch time and saw the most amazing fun happening with the leaves.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Cardboard Day

What a great day. I love the creativity and enthusiasm the children have. They all collaborated and made some incredible things. We had the Apple Store with an iPad, laptop and iPhone all on shelves. Another group made a shop that sold food it had a cash register, money, oven and a table. Others made boats, cannons, armour, swords, robots, tanks, golf game, cubby houses and an iwatch. Wow what a creative bunch. 

Art for Kaiapoi

What an amazing job. Thanks Christine for sharing your talent and community spirit with us. 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Art for Kaiapoi

We have been part of the You Me We and Us mural project. We have been practising our art with they year 8 students and today we got to add our own bit to the whole school mural. You can see it as you drive into Kaiapoi from the south end of Williams Street. 

Dodge ball fun

Sunday 3 April 2016

Tim Bateman


Gosh we are so lucky to have Tim Bateman come to school and visit us. He has played for the two best teams in Super Rugby. The Hurricanes and the Crusaders. He shared with us his sayings:

 If it is to be it is up to me. 

You have to fake it to become it.

Pressure makes diamonds.

Great advice 🏈

Wednesday 9 March 2016


Swimming started this week and we are working hard with our instructors.  


Wednesday 2 March 2016

Dr Suess Day

March 2nd was Dr Suess Day and we decided to celebrate by having a Dr Suess themed day. We learnt some interesting facts about Dr Suess. Did you know his real name was Theodore and he was scared of children. We tried out his tongue twisters, had a scavenger hunt, read lots of books and learnt to draw the cat in the hat. Great day even Sister Gale joined in.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Bokashi Bins

Today Lesley came and told us all about Bokashi bins. She told us that our food scraps can go in these bins to make compost for the garden. It is made up of  two buckets that are pushed together and the top one has holes in it. (That is so all the liquid can drain out) The most important thing is to not let too much air in the bucket because the air will make it smelly. If you want to try this at home you can buy the buckets from the refuge station in Rangiora.


Sunday 21 February 2016

End of the Day

We have been learning how to work together. We had a lot of fun in our end of the day circle.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Faces of Rata

This week we took a photo of our faces and added words about ourselves using a fotoapp.