Tuesday 3 May 2016

Lego Prayers

Today we prayed using lego maybe you could try this at home.

These are the steps we followed:

Hold your brick.
Pray for yourself.  Thank God for the things he has given you.  Ask Him to bless you and to help you to bless others.

Count the bumps on your brick.
For each bump on your brick, pray for a different person- friends or family members.  Ask God to bless them this week.

Find someone who has a different colour brick to you.
Thank God for making each person special.  Thank him for the thingsthat are different but special about other people.  Pray that we will learn how to celebrate and understand people who are different to us.

Put all of the bricks together and build a structure or tower with them.
Pray for everyone and send the prayers to God Together.

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