Tuesday 29 May 2012


Today we had a visit from Shirley and Jenny from the Catholic Women's League. They gave us all a hand knitted woolly hat to kept our heads warm over winter. There are lots of different colours and lots of women from all over the South Island knitted them for us. We are so lucky! A big thank you from Rata to all those wonderful knitters.
Check out our hats.

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Father Denis Visits Rata

Father Denis came and spoke to us about the Holy Spirit and said a prayer with us.

from my iPad

Thursday 17 May 2012

Wonderful Sharing of Knowledge

One of our reading groups (Lucy, Rebekah, Ben, Hamish and Holly) have been learning to read and interpret instructions. Today they got to teach  small groups how to make pirate hats.

They all made excellent teachers. Here are some photos and a video about what the teachers thought was easy and not so easy.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

The Holy Spirit

We have been exploring the Holy Spirit strand.

We had to work out what a belief is and think about what we believe in.

We decided a belief is something that we think is true.

Here are some examples:

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Sport Coaches 9 May 2012

Today we got to work with the Mainpower Sport Coaches Shane and Zak. We are learning about Invasion Games (attacking and defending) First we practised our passing and catching and then we played cone touch. We had to remember 3 things: score, pass and move. It was hard to remember all 3 but we enjoyed playing the game.

           Passing and Catching

Cone Touch

We enjoyed passing and moving but forgot to score sometimes and sometimes we passed and scored but forgot to move. We loved playing all the games and are looking forward to next time.

Sunday 6 May 2012


One of our reading groups has been learning how to read and interpret instructions. Today they shared with the class one of their activities. They had to make a floating water beast.

We reviewed how to read instructions and why it is important to use the diagrams to help us understand what we need to do.

Hamish thought that looking for the next thing to do was quite hard then he worked out that they were numbered and this helped him.

Holly and Ben thought that understanding some of the word was a bit tricky but then they discussed it with  buddy and worked it out.

Rebekah thought it was tricky to follow some of the instructions but then looked at the picture and it made sense.

Lucy thought it was a bit hard to read the words and look at the pictures then she discussed it with a buddy.

These are our floating water beast we need to make some improvements to their feet but it was fun working out what to do and testing our monsters.